Monday, February 4, 2013

So this is what I eat...

I have learned that it is important to eat intuitively, and listen to our bodies to know what we need to be eating.  I also have learned that dieting is bad because it is unsustainable and can lead to binge eating, weight fluctuation, and an unhealthy relationships with food and eating.  However, I have also learned that for me intuitive eating has not lead me to the results I am looking for.  For all of my adult life (and most of my teenage years too) I have been very conscious about healthy eating and exercise.  Despite this dedication I have never felt satisfied about my body and the way it looks and feels.  AND I'M SICK OF IT!

So I have thrown intuitive eating out the window and (with the help and encouragement from my truly inspired and amazing trainers Casey and Chantel), replaced "my intuition" it with a strict meal plan.  After one week of eating this way I have broken through a huge plateau in my training and fitness goals.  And I feel fantastic.  I am a firm believer that everybody needs to figure out what works for them, and right now I have no doubt in my mind that this is what is currently working for me. I  know it is unrealistic to do this for a lifetime, but that isn't my plan.  So, here is what I eat each day:

This is a giant breakfast!  I eat 1 egg, 3 egg whites, 1/3 cup of oatmeal, and 1/3 of a banana.
 I try to drink 20 oz. of water with every meal.
I drink both of these after my workout at the gym, which is usually around noon.

For lunch I eat 5 oz. of white fish (typically tilapia), half a sweet potato, and a handful of asparagus.
The fish is frozen and seasoned already, so all I have to do is throw it in the oven.  I can microwave it too
on days that I have to be at school. I also take my GNC supplements with this meal.

I look forward to eating this at 4:00 pm.  It is delicious and tastes like a candybar to me.  Eventually
I might have to switch it out for a protein bar that has less sugar, but for now I savor every bite.  YUM.

For dinner I have a small salad with light dressing and 5 oz. of fishy again.
This meal is always one I have to eat at school, so I prepare it all at home before hand.
 It really does taste pretty darn good even though it's not freshly made.

At the end of the day around 8:00 pm I eat 4 egg whites.

With this diet I am able to work our at a hard intensity two hours a day.  The most important and difficult thing about eating this way has been the planning.  Once I have done the prep it is easy to eat the meals each day, and actually saves me a lot of stress and worry about food.  I have not had any issues that I have had in the past with going crazy and eating anything in sight after a few days of deprivation, and I haven't skipped any meals or obsessed about keeping track of calories.  In fact, I am certain that this is the healthiest I have ever eaten in my entire life.  

I am a bit weary to talk about numbers as I discuss fitness...but I do feel like I should report that I lost and inch and a half around my abdominals/hips and two pounds of fat.  N ts N ts N ts.   

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